This Give STL Day Thursday, May 6th, your donation provides critical support to Ride On St. Louis. We need your support through prayers or financial donations to keep our services available and horses healthy.
We work to keep costs low or nonexistent, as many participants are burdened by expensive, on-going medical, therapeutic, pharmaceutical, respite and caregiver expenses that are not always covered by insurance. It is our goal to provide services to all, regardless of whether a client can afford the fee. Your support provides us with the resources required to help people in need improve their lives.
We know that many deserving nonprofits are requesting assistance at this time. We hope you'll consider helping with a donation of any amount, if you are in a fortunate enough position to do so. If you are unable to provide financial support to us or another nonprofit this year, please say a special prayer for all those affected by the pandemic.
If your company is eligible, the impact of your financial gift to Ride On St. Louis may possibly be doubled. Some companies even match gifts made by retirees and/or spouses. Please check with your company today to see if your dollars can be matched.